Album The Sky Of You out now

I'm super excited that I can finally share my new album with you and I'm really curious how you like it. I'd really appreciate it if you let me know, after you've listened.

Listen to the album

Each of the ten tracks on ‘The Sky Of You’, shows my inner reflections upon the current global situation. Poetically trying to find meaning, love, and shelter in the power of nature's deep pathways that run through our bodies, while the world is rushing to follow the artificial intuition of technology.

In a way these tracks form one complete landscape, but a landscape consisting of different emotions. Periods and commas have been strewn throughout this world by means of intentional sounds and lyrics.

It was an honour beyond words to create this album together with numerous Dutch and international artists. In a time where it was impossible to meet up, I am really proud of everyone, having been able to pull this off.

These artists made this album a jewel in my heart! A big thanks to Kalin Yordanov, The Wong Janice, Meidi Goh, Henk Philhelmon Bol, Philip Xander Steenbergen, Erwin Tuijl, Karwan Hamid Haraq and Fraukje Ramona Weishaupt.

The result is a mesmerizing mixture of sounds, shifting my dark ambient folk vibes to an unexpected neo-classical progressive rock vibe, underscored with a cinematic style.

'The Sky of You' has been mastered at Abbey Road Studios by Alex Gordon and is released by OOB Records.

I would love to hear from you, I am so curious what you think!
